75 years of stewardship celebrated by South Nation Conservation

Dignitaries stand at Warwick Forest to mark the 75th anniversary of South Nation Conservation

THE COUNTIES, Ontario - This year marks 75 years of incredible work and stewardship by South Nation Conservation.

Established under the Conservation Authorities Act of Ontario in 1947, SNC has decades of practical experience protecting our environment and engaging communities working on behalf of 16 member municipalities in eastern Ontario. 

This work includes working with property owners on environmental clean-water projects and tree-planting projects; managing 20,000 acres of community land; providing parks and river access points along the River and protecting people and property from flooding, erosion, and landslides. 

Warden Carma Williams attended a kick-off event Feb. 12, 2022 at the Warwick Forest Conservation Area in Berwick.

"As a part owner of the Warwick Forest property, the Counties is a key partner in ensuring the long-term sustainability and popularity of this gem in eastern Ontario. The South Nation Conservation Authority manages this property, as well as others, on behalf of SDG so that residents and visitors can enjoy the peace and tranquility of this incredible natural setting," said Williams. "It has been our great pleasure to enjoy the benefits of this partnership with SNC. Well-maintained forests are essential as a wildlife habitat as well as a source for groundwater recharging, which is doubly important in a region like ours which includes heavy agricultural uses and development."

“It’s important to reflect on where we came from and explore ways to continue making a difference, said Angela Coleman, SNC General Manager. “Without the support of our watershed communities, our member municipalities, and our local, provincial and federal partnerships our success would not be possible. We greatly appreciate all of our partners and those who use the River and natural resources in responsible ways that promote and preserve it for future generations.” 

“On behalf of the Board of Directors at South Nation Conservation, I want to thank our watershed communities for 75 years of conservation in Eastern Ontario and we look forward to many more,” said George Darouze, SNC Board Chair and Deputy Mayor of the City of Ottawa. “SNC prides itself in working with the diverse communities and municipalities of the watershed to help maintain and improve the natural resources within it. I look forward to continuing our work together to enhance our quality of life and protect our natural resources. It is through our actions that future generations will continue to learn to enjoy our River.” 

To commemorate this significant milestone, SNC is hosting celebratory events throughout 2022 to highlight how water resource management and stewardship of our conservation lands help contribute to a Living Natural Legacy. 

Some of the activities are new initiatives and others are comm­unity favourites, such as: 

  • Take a Hike – 75km Challenge – Year-Long
  • Maple Syrup Education Programming – Spring 2022
  • Community Free Tree Pick Ups – Spring 2022
  • Annual General Meeting – April 2022
  • Open House and Eco-Education D­­­ay – Summer 2022
  • Taste the Nation Partnerships – Summer 2022
  • “Friends of SNC” Charity Golf Tournament – Fall 2022 

SNC will launch the 75km Challenge in February: Watershed residents and visitors alike are encouraged to visit SNC’s Conservation Areas throughout the year and track their distance: whether they snowshoe, hike, paddle or walk. It’s not a race – participants can do it on their own time and at their own pace. 


In partnership with SDG Library, a special walk-through story book will also be featured. COVID-19 protocols will be adhered to.  

Parking for the event at the Warwick Forest is located at 15755 County Road 9, Berwick.  

“We invite our watershed community to keep updated on our anniversary celebrations that will occur over the next year by visiting our social media and website,” said Coleman. 

For more information, please contact Shannon Gutoskie, Communications Specialist at 1-877-984-2948, or sgutoskie@nation.on.ca