United Counties of SDG Economic Development
Our economic development department can help you shape your business plan, access incentive programs, link you with like-minded organizations and provide you with location options for your business.
Contact our Economic Development Manager, Karina Belanger:
613-932-1515, ext. 1331
ACC Futures
The ACC Futures Corporation encourages organizations to consider the benefits of Ontario's Eastern Gateway region and can assist with relocation, expansion, re-structuring and re-financing.
Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre
The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre offers information on starting up a small business and/or operating an existing business in the Cornwall and SDG area.
Cornwall Economic Development
Cornwall Economic Development provides information to businesses looking to relocate or expand to the City of Cornwall.
Glengarry Inter-Agency Group
Glengarry Inter-Agency Group (GIAG) is a not for profit agency based in Alexandria, ON sponsoring the following programs: Ontario Early Years Centres, The Learning Centre, Youth Services, Employment Services and Senior Services throughout the counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry. Engaging our community in work, play and the realization of personal potential.
Job Zone d’emploi
Job Zone d’emploi provides services to the unemployed and underemployed in SD&G to help them become employed or to maintain employment.
Eastern Ontario Training Board
The Eastern Ontario Training Board is a local, not-for-profit organization dedicated to community-based planning for effective labour force training and development.
Employment Ontario
Employment Ontario offers and administers training and skills development, employment benefits, employment support, labour market partnerships and the Job Bank.
Service Canada
Service Canada provides better, one-stop service to more Canadians in more communities, delivered with the right service attitude.