What is the Adopt-A-Road Program?
The Adopt-A-Road program is open to various groups of volunteers, families or neighbours to assist in providing a cleaner environment and a more scenic roadway, by collecting refuse and debris from the side of their “adopted” road. It is an agreement with SDG Counties for a two-year period and states that the parties involved are willing to pick up trash on a minimum length of 2 km on a county road twice a year, usually in the spring and fall.
Adopt-a-Road Business Owner? Become a Sponsor!
How do I/we adopt a road?
Decide what 2 km section of county road you would like to adopt. Email us to ensure the portion of road you have selected is available for adoption. Read over the agreement/terms and conditions, complete the online form and submit to the email above.
Please note: If you are interested in a road serviced by a local municipality, please contact their roads department to see if they have a similar program.
How much does it cost?
Absolutely nothing! By becoming a member of the program you are contributing to SDG Counties’ efforts to keep our region a clean and safe environment for everyone. For that, we will provide all the necessary materials and training to make sure it is carried out safely and effectively. We supply safety training, safety vests for all participants, garbage bags, gloves, and we pick up and dispose of the full garbage bags, you and your group collect.
Will I get recognition for adopting a road?
Definitely! In addition to the satisfaction gained by providing a cleaner environment, participants are recognized by a sign with the group or individual name displayed at each end of the adopted section erected by SDG Counties, acknowledging their efforts. These signs help to raise awareness by showing motorists that local residents care about their community and the environment.
Before you begin…
We ask that you let us know 48 hours before your group goes out, so arrangements can be made for our crews to pick up the garbage bags and transfer them to a disposal site. For safety precautions, the trash clean-up should only be done during periods of good visibility and daylight hours, not during periods of rain, fog, or on long weekends or holidays.
Don’t forget: You will need to arrange to pick up garbage bags, gloves, and safety vests before going out to collect garbage. Make sure you notify the county staff in advance. Materials can all be picked up at the SDG Counties Administration Building, 26 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON.