The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry has compiled this list of election information to act as a general guide for those seeking office, as well as the general public. The responsibility for facilitating municipal elections rests with SDG's local municipalities.
If you have specific questions please email info@sdgcounties.ca, or consult with your local municipality.
North Glengarry North Stormont North Dundas
South Glengarry South Stormont South Dundas
Find out who is running in your local municipality.
North Glengarry North Stormont North Dundas
South Glengarry South Stormont South Dundas
SDG is an upper-tier government that includes six local municipalities. Our 12-member Counties Council includes two representatives (mayor and deputy-mayor) from South Stormont, North Stormont, South Glengarry, North Glengarry, South Dundas and North Dundas.
Counties Council meets the third Monday of each month.
What we do
Our departments cover a variety of Counties services:
- Transportation and Infrastructure: Transportation and Planning Services is responsible for the County's road and bridge infrastructure, vehicles and rolling stock, and land use planning services, including plans of subdivision and severances.
- Planning: Planning Services maintain and update the County Official Plan in consultation with local Municipalities. The Official Plan ensures effective management of growth and development within SDG through a broad policy framework.
- SDG Library: The SDG Library offers print, audiovisual, and digital resources for its members, and access to information, opportunities for self-guided learning, recreation and program activities for residents of SDG. Visit one of our 15 branches.
- Court Services: The Provincial Offences Act (POA) court at our County Administration Building in Cornwall governs offences covered by the Highway Traffic Act, as well as liquor license violations, trespass to property, etc.
- Economic Development: SDG is proud to be a member of the Quebec City-Windsor mega-region that is home to more than 20 million people and more than half a trillion dollars in annual economic output.
- Corporate Services: The Corporate Services Department provides management services to all Counties departments, employees, communications, council, and committees.
- Financial Services: The Financial Services Department provides a broad range of accounting services and support to all County Departments, employees, Council and Committees.
If you meet all of the following conditions, you are eligible to vote in the 2022 municipal election:
- A Canadian citizen.
- At least 18 years old.
- A resident in the Township of South Stormont or a non-resident of South Stormont and you or your spouse own or rent property in the Township.
- Not otherwise prohibited under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 or bylaw.
2022 Voters Guide
The following are prohibited from voting in a municipal election:
- Those serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution.
- A corporation.
- Those acting as executor or trustee or in another representative capacity, except as a voting proxy.
- Those convicted of a corrupt practice described in section 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
Election signs are permitted in the County right-of-way; however these signs must be:
- Located as far away from the travelled portion of the road as possible (back slope of ditch/close to the fence line).
- Installed away from intersections and driveways to allow for proper sightlines.
- Erected in a way that does not interfere with roadway maintenance activities such as grading or mowing.
- Installed with a quick breakaway system (metal push rods or lumber framing no greater than four-inch nominal thickness).
If you are a student and consider your "home" to be the place where you live when you are not attending school, which means you plan on returning there, then you are eligible to vote in both your "home" municipality and in the municipality where you currently live while attending school.
All electors will be required to present a piece of identification in order to receive a ballot at their voting place. The identification must show your name and address. Photo identification is not required. Electors who cannot present an acceptable proof of identity may make a statutory declaration by filling out a Declaration of Identity form (Form 9).