Council Meetings

Meeting Location & Times

SDG Counties Council meets in the Council Chambers, Third Floor, 26 Pitt Street, Cornwall every third Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m.. Should one of the scheduled meetings fall on a Statutory Holiday, the meeting is then held on the Tuesday following the Monday.

Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings.

Agendas & Minutes

View Council Agendas & Minutes

Agendas will be posted two days prior to the meeting. Council minutes will be posted when adopted by SDG Counties Council at the next scheduled council meeting. 

Committee of the Whole meetings will be at the call of the Chair.  Agendas will be posted two days prior to the meeting.

Committee of the Whole minutes will be posted once they have been adopted by SDG Counties Council at the next Committee of the Whole meeting.

Further information on Council or Committee of the Whole meetings can be obtained from the Director of Corporate Services/Clerk at (613) 932-1515 ext. 203.

Closed Meetings

At times, SDG Counties Council must deal with matters of a confidential nature.  When this situation arise, SDG Counties Council holds a closed (or in-camera) meeting. 
Visit closed meeting and closed meeting investigations for more information.

Request a Delegation

If you wish to speak at a SDG Counties Council Meeting please refer to the Request to Speak at a Meeting section of this website.