OPP cruiser and police tape


Policing is provided to SDG Counties residents under contract with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). There are presently 76 uniformed police officers and 11 civilian personnel in the SDG Detachment.  The Detachment Headquarters is located in Long Sault, with satellite offices in Alexandria, Lancaster, Winchester and Morrisburg.  If you would like to speak to someone concerning a policing matter please call the Detachment Headquarters at (613) 534-2223.

Police Services Board

The Police Service Board provides high-level oversight of the Ontario Provincial Police SDG Detachment. This Board consists of five members: the Head of SDG Counties Council or his/her designate; one member of SDG Counties Council; one layperson appointed by SDG Counties Council; and two persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (Ontario).

Board Members

  • Warden Martin Lang
  • Councillor Bryan McGillis
  • Todd Lalonde
  • Jim McDonell
  • Jim Wert


Police Services Board Meeting Schedule

The SDG Counties Police Services Board meets quarterly and the meetings are held in Council Chambers, Third Floor, at 26 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario. Meetings are held at the call of the Chair and Notice of Meeting will be posted on the website a week prior to the meeting.

To view police board agendas and minutes click on the following link: sdgcounties.ca/agendasandminutes

False Alarms

View more information on alarm registration and false alarms.