The Service Manager Joint Liaison Committee (SMJLC) was established in 1999 with the City of Cornwall. It provides oversight of five regional services provided by either SDG Counties or the city, including: land ambulance (city); court services (SDG Counties); GlenStorDun Lodge (city); social housing (city); and social services (city). Four representatives of SDG Counties Council serve on the SMJLC.
- Councillor Jamie MacDonald
- Warden Martin Lang
- Councillor Carma Williams
- Councillor Bryan McGillis
SDG Counties provides a regional library network consisting of 18 community branches, and operates externally from SDG Counties Council through an appointed Library Board. The Library Board consists of three community members and four SDG Counties Councillors. Library Board members are appointed by SDG Counties Council for a four-year term.
- Councillor Frank Landry
- Warden Tony Fraser
- Councillor Jason Broad
- Councillor Lachlan McDonald
The Raisin-South Nation Source Water Protection Committee is made up of 15 members plus a Chair. The 15 member committee represents the interests of the local municipalities, agricultural sector, commercial and industrial sectors, and the general public. There are additional (non-voting) liaisons representing the Source Protection Authority, the Ministry of the Environment, and the local Health Unit. County Council has one representative.
- Councillor Theresa Bergeron
Head of County Council or his/her designate; one member of County Council; one layperson appointed by County Council; and two persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (Ontario).
- Councillor Bryan McGillis (Warden's designate)
- Warden Martin Lang
The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) promotes and protects health and wellness by preventing diseases and injuries, and by advocating for a safe and healthy environment. EOHU is funded in part by SDG Counties, the City of Cornwall, and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell. Two representatives of SDG Counties Council serve on the EOHU Board of Health.
- Councillor Carma Willams (Warden's designate)
- Warden Martin Lang
Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge serves as SDG Counties home for the aged. The facility is owned/operated by the City of Cornwall, with SDG Counties residents accommodated under agreement between the SDG Counties and the city. Two representatives of SDG Counties Council serve on the Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge Board.
- Warden Martin Lang
- Councillor Jason Broad (Warden's designate)
The Board of Directors of the St. Lawrence River Institute are comprised of members of the local community as well as representatives of various founding partner agencies, like the City of Cornwall, SDG Counties and the Mohawks of Akwesasne. One representative of SDG Counties Council serves on the St. Lawrence River Institute Board of Directors.
- Councillor Andrew Guindon
The Accessibility Committee is an advisory body that works with SDG Counties staff to develop and review policies to ensure that the services provided by SDG Counties are accessible and in compliance with applicable legislation/regulation. The members of the Accessibility Committee are:
- Al Lummiss
- Roderick Tyo
- Ian MacDonald
- Brenda Brunt
- Jesse Beardsworth
- Palmer Douglas
- Coun. Tony Fraser