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Transportation Services

Transportation Services

Transportation Services is responsible for:

  • County road and bridge infrastructure;
  • Vehicles and road maintenance equipment;
  • County forests;
  • GIS and Mapping Services;

Transportation also plans and carries out summer and winter maintenance and the annual capital works program which typically includes bridge and road repairs and reconstruction.

Transportation Services maintains the County Road system, which is the network of regional roads intended to move large volumes of traffic at relatively high speed throughout SDG.  The County road network provides the vital connection between the Provincial highway system and local roads.

The road system is governed by policy of County Council, under the authority of the Municipal Act, and managed by Benjamin de Haan, P.Eng., Director of Transportation and Planning Services.  Transportation Services administers and maintains approximately 982 km of road and 195 bridges (95km urban streets and 887km rural roads).  Accordingly, the Department is also responsible for features such as ditches, vegetation, street lights, traffic signals, storm sewers, culverts and signs.

The Department operates out of four patrol garages (Winchester Springs, Finch, Green Valley and St. Andrew’s West) with an outside workforce of over 30 personnel.  Administration is provided from the Counties main office in Cornwall.

Transportation provides services in areas such as:

  • Design, tendering and contract administration for annual capital works projects;
  • Equipment and fleet tendering and maintenance;
  • Maintenance & in-house reconstruction;
  • Roadside mowing;
  • Plowing and other winter maintenance;
  • Traffic Counting;
  • Issuance of a variety of permits (moving, setback, entrances etc…);
  • Pavement marking;
  • Installation and maintenance of roadside signage. 

Transportation Options