Official Plan

The SDG Official Plan was approved on February 4, 2018.

Notice to residents: The Official Plan was approved with modifications. You will find the modifications and maps in the Official Plans Documents below.

General Information

The Official Plan provides goals, objectives, policies, and procedures for development based on the social, economic, and environmental goals of our County. The Official Plan guides growth, infrastructure improvements, protects and enhances natural resources, and conserves cultural heritage. The Official Plan shapes the future of SDG, which is important to everyone who lives, works, or plays here.

Official plans are implemented locally through tools like zoning by-laws, site plans, and plans of subdivision.

  • Provides policy framework for planning decisions and development in the County and local municipalities
  • Approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on February 4, 2018
  • Serves as the Official Plan for the lower tier municipalities in SDG
  • Designates lands for uses like residential, employment, commercial, etc.
  • Is exempt from Ministry approval for Official Plan Amendments

Official Plan Amendment Application

Official Plan Documents

If you do not find the document that you are looking for please contact the Planning Department.

Official Plan Review and Update