County supports plan to augment access to broadband internet

County supports plan to augment access to broadband internet

SDG COUNTIES – County council has approved a request to support private industry’s plan to augment access to broadband internet in SDG.

At its Jan. 18 meeting, councillors agreed to pen a letter of support to Xplornet’s application under the Canada’s Universal Broadband Fund. The fund has been created to help offset the costs of adding internet improvements to rural areas of the country.

SDG is a large rural area and council has made it a priority to augment internet access across the region.

Xplornet sought a letter of support for its application to develop broadband internet infrastructure in various areas of SDG. There are no financial implications to SDG in supporting this request.

Xplornet’s projects will build more than 900 km of new fibre throughout the entire project, with 68 new km in SDG. The project also establishes a robust backbone for Xplornet’s 5G wireless broadband network, with existing sites in SDG upgraded or connected to fibre. Once completed, Xplornet’s projects will enable approximately 1,700 households in communities such as Berwick, Crysler, Maxville and Martintown to enjoy affordable and accessible 1 Gbps fibre services, and while those beyond the fibre path will be able to connect to 5G wireless broadband services up to 100 Mbps.