To all the residents and business owners that make the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry their home, I wish a heartfelt Happy New Year.
Sadly, 2022 is starting off much like 2021. COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing right across this province, and we are not immune to the scourge of the pandemic here in SDG. It’s hard to believe that it has, in fact, been nearly two years since the pandemic began to dominate our lives. In that time our residents have found strength they never knew they had.
Families in SDG have had to deal with school closures and alternative learning, navigating the different politics of the pandemic and accepting the points of view of others. Some have even had the sad duty of caring for a loved one who has become ill.
Our businesses have found resiliency. Staff and employees are continuing to work diligently, while applying health protocols, to ensure the economic engine of SDG runs smoothly. Business owners and entrepreneurs are coming up with innovations to ensure the bottom line remains strong, while adhering to public health guidelines.
In short, you are doing everything you can, and then some, to promote the success of our region for you, your family and your neighbours.
That is why I want to dedicate this message to you. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, our region is one of beauty and opportunity. We are open for business in SDG. One only needs to look at the number of new businesses that have set up shop in our region to see the spirit of our community. Other businesses are reinvesting in themselves and will become stronger as time evolves.
But most importantly our families are pulling together in a way that has not been seen since times of war. We are all working together, despite this global calamity, and we are succeeding.
Thank you to all who are weathering the pandemic in their own way, so that we can continue to live in such an amazing part of the world.
Happy New Year, and all the best from Counties Council for an exciting and prosperous 2022.
- Warden Carma Williams.